BrotherRaven's Haven

Life begins at 38...

Friday, March 28, 2003

Man oh man am I tired. You see I bought MVP baseball for the PS2 and needless to say I've been up to 2 in the morning twice and 12:30 last night playing this addictive game.
But tomorrow....we get to sleep in...

Hey here is an interesting update...We might be trading in our relatively new Hyundia Accent for a brand spankin' new Hyundia Santa Fe...sweeeet!
More on that later

Wednesday, March 26, 2003

A wise man once said "Life begins at 40", well I'm starting two years early.
Like the seventies show James at 15 (then later 16) welcome to Richard at 38
So your saying what is so different about Richard at 38 as opposed to Richard at 37 or 35 or Richard at 23???
Well there have been many memerable years in this life, like 13 with my Bar Mitzvah, or 18 with High School Graduation, trip to Israel and the start of college (surely that was a good year eh?) Then there was a haze we call the college years and the post college years, which had it's many fine moments, some we can not mention herein.
Lest we not forget Richard at 33. the married Richard, now that was an amazing year, but all of these years will hopefully pale in comparision to Richard at 38.

Why? you ask, what is so special about 38??? It's not like it's 42 (which most enlightened people know is the answer to the ultimate question of Life, The Universe and Everything)...

Well for one this is the year we become homeowners and hopefully shortafter we become Parents. Now that is a hell of a year. and if the Flyers can win the cup and the Phils take the World Series well that would be the icing on the cake.