BrotherRaven's Haven

Life begins at 38...

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Karen being handed Joshua at Golden Cradle Posted by Hello
Our Happy Family Posted by Hello
Baby Boy Joshua moments after birth Posted by Hello
Baby Joshua Posted by Hello

Wow is all I can say for how life has a way of twisting and turning, never letting us truly know where it'll take us......
So we're watching the lousey Eagles game and depressed because I can see on the computer that the Rams were giving away a victory and maybe their playoff chances to the Jets. Then out of the blue the phone rings and it is our case worker - Anne and man does she have some news...........

The Birth Mom has decided to place with us (again) and this time she signed the surrenders.....
Stunned would be the first thing that comes to mind, followed by...Wow, oh my...and several other colorful metaphors.

So we quickly start making phone calls...Mom's and Dad's, Sister's and Brother's and of course our dear friends, and throughout the East Coast people are screaming of joy and tears are coming and hearts are filled with joy, and so we head off to Golden Cradle...still stunned

Our friend marc volunteered to be our videographer to capture the moments when little Joshua Aaron was handed to us, a moment we thought may never come, especially for this particular little wee one.

One can not truly describe the feeling of holding your son for the first time, the total feeling of euphoria, and peace that fills your soul, a soul that was very empty for a very log time, now filled with golden light.

So now it is almost a week later and I have not fully absorbed the whole notion of being a Daddy, just due to work and work related stresses, normal everyday stuff, but there have been quiet times (we'll sort of quiet) with me holding this little boy in the dark of his room, feeding him, changing his diapers or just looking into his wide eyes that should be closing, and laughing at the expressions he makes when he is crying, or sleeping or rooting or pooping, just trying to soak it all in, that this little boy is ours, really ours.

On Sunday everyone that has been touched by this amazing gift will gather at my Sister's home for the briss, and it will be an amazing thing seeing all the ripples in the pond that are touched by this little pebble, all the people who share in our joy and love, and the smiles upon their hearts, it may be winter, but the warmth in the house will be able to melt the polar ice caps.